Tanya Chapter 21, Class 1 (160).
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 1 (160).This class is basically an oral introduction to this Perek and the higher level of Achdus discussed in this Perek.We began with explaining creation through thought and creation through speech. They are called מאמר אחד (a single utterance) and עשרה מאמרות (ten utterances) and they are two steps in creation....
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 2 (161).
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 2 (161).1) This class begins with a Chazara of a Sicha the Rebbe spoke to the woman of N’shei Chabad at the spring convention in 5735, about Shabbos being first in thought (albeit last in action), and how this applies to the home and child rearing. Also, we give our children...
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 3 (162).
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 3 (162).Most of this class was a Shavuos talk in conjunction with the end of the 12 days we don’t say Tachanun in the beginning of Sivan, which includes the seven of Yemei Tashlumim. At the end we reviewed the first half of the Perek (about Achdus) inside.
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 4 (163).
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 4 (163).This class begins the other side of the coin.So far in Perek 20-21 the issue has been Achdus Hashem and we go from lower to higher; now begins the point of of “יע וועלט” there is a world (in some ways that is very important for Torah and Mitzvos (and...
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 5 (164).
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 5 (164).This class ends the Perek explaining the worlds that are ‘True’ (because they are Godly) as they exist in relationship with themselves, because as far as Hashem is concerned even the Godly worlds aren’t separate from Him.
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