
Tanya Chapter 22, Class 1 (165).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 1 (165).This Perek begins right in the middle of an idea…The world (and all the Tzimtzumim) aren’t only true for us they are true for Him also. They are in the Torah, and Torah is true.

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 2 (166).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 2 (166).From the perspective that there IS a world (ours) the first level are the ‘True” (Godly) worlds, and the second are the false (Klipa) worlds.We began this discussion today. Klipa (in Chassidus and Kabbalah) isn’t ‘evil’ (as we use the word), they are simply self-centered rather than God-centered.We focused a...

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 3 (167).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 3 (167).The discussion on the development of Klipa continues.Last class we introduced the first two ideas (in THIS order):A. ריבוי צמצומים– for Klipa to deny where it’s life comes from, it must have little life, because a lot of life would make the denial impossible (example: Olom HaTohu).[Note: there is an...

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 4 (168).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 4 (168).The King and His experiment. The Minister and the Son, one gets almost everything; the other gets very little, but a continuing relationship with the King (the Father).The story of Kedusha and Klipa, and how it plays out over time.

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 5 (169).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 5 (169).After the four points of 1) Ribui Tzimtzumim, 2) Achorayim, 3) Makif, 4) Galus, comes the inevitable fifth point: That Klipa is Avoda Zara inasmuch as it is (in it’s own experience) separate from Hashem, denying any dependence on Him.

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 6 (170).

Tanya Chapter 22, Class 6 (170).End of the Perek 22, Avoda Zara at it’s source is any kind of separation in God’s creation, and a sense of שניות (someone else has some control); and at it’s lowest end, there’s a sense that there is nothing but self.Ga’ava and Avoda Zara.