Tanya Chapter 23, Class 1 (171).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 1 (171).Introduction to Chapter 23: 1) Benoni through Ahava Misuteres (visualization), 2) requires explaining how every Mitzvah is the greatest and every Aveira is the worst; there is no ‘big’ and ‘little’; 3) which required explaining Achdus vs the opposite of Achdus; 4) now we return to the idea that each...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 2 (172).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 2 (172).The ideas of פנימיות הרצון (Primary Will) and חיצוניות הרצון (Secondary Will) are discussed here. There are many many חיצוניות הרצון bur (really) only ONE פנימיות הרצון.Torah and Mitzvos are His פנימיות רצון העליון וחפצו האמיתי, what He ‘really’ wants, and are therefore the basis (the ‘life’) for all secondary...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 3 (173).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 3 (173).Why Mitzvos are God’s limbs? Because they are פנימיות רצון העליון וחפצו האמיתי.In the same way, the Yid’s body performing the Mitzvos (and the Livushim he uses to see them through) and the physical artifacts of Mitzvos are ‘His limbs’ as well (in terms of their Bittul to Him.
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 4 (174).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 4 (174).The Avos were a Merkava (Chariot) as is every single Jew when performing any Mitzvah.But they (the Avos) are singles out to be called ‘Merkava’, because they were in that state every moment with all of their limbs throughout their lives. Stories explaining this level.
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 5 (175).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 5 (175).Beginning of the idea of Torah.Torah isn’t (only) a Merkava for Godliness, it is the Godliness itself.This applies not only to the ideas of Torah, but even the words of the Torah (SheBiKsav; as far as Torah SheBa’al Peh is concerned- עצ”ע).The oneness of the Torah and Godliness; and accordingly,...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 6 (176).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 6 (176).This class continues (from last week) the discussion on the meaning of the idea that in Learning Torah Godliness is fully revealed.We explored the double expression 1) (positive) בגילוי לגמרי and 2) (negative) בלי הסתר פנים כלל וכלל, this is the only way to describe absolute revelation. We reviewed the...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 7 (177).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 7 (177).ולא עוד אלא…So far Mitzvos are like the Keilim (vessels) of Atzilus and the the Torah is likened to the Ohr (light); here the Alter Rebbe adds that in fact Torah reveals (בגילוי לגמרי בלי הסתר פנים כלל וכלל) the level of Ohr called סובב כל עלמין that is higher...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 8 (178).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 8 (178).Whereas Torah make a person ONE with Ein Sof on the highest levels; it should actually bring a person to יראה עילאה (the higher fear of God) as though he is standing in front of Him.But it may not, due to our spiritual deficiency. If it doesn’t it doesn’t truly...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 9 (179).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 9 (179).A discussion [based om the mention at the end of this Perek] on the four levels (in this order): 1) Yirah (Tata’a), Fear of punishment or being distanced (pushed away) by Hashem. 2) Ahava (Zutah, Olom), I love Him for what He does for me in this world (and life)...
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 10 (180).
Tanya Chapter 23, Class 10 (180).PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MATERIAL IN THIS CLASS IS בדרך אפשר (THE OPINION OF THE TEACHER ALONE).In this class we return to the few lines on 29a, where the Alter Rebbe addresses the question of interrupting to learn Torah [not only to do Mitzvos, but] also to Daven [even though...
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