
Perek 8, class 1 (81) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, class 1 (81) The extreme (ג’ קליפות טמאות ורעות לגמרי) Kelipos have no Aliya. This is especially pronounced when one eats non-Kosher that becomes one with him. Even if he thought it was Kosher and had the best intentions it cannot be elevated. Question: How to reconcile the question of some things occasionally...

Perek 8, Class 2 (82) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, Class 2 (82) שד משדין יהודיין versus שד משדין נוכראין. A Jew by nature has no desire to sin, even in his Yetzer HaRa. There is a טבע or limit to the Evil inclination (יצר הרע) of a Yid that comes through what is called שד משדין יהודיין. This means that it has...

Perek 8, Class 3 (83) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, Class 3 (83) Explaining: 1) חיבוט הקבר (visits in the grave) 2) כף הקלע (while the Neshama is (already) free of the body but it’s still in the “space” of the physical universe 3) גיהינום. When a person is alive and healthy, the Neshama “speaks” through the body, but after death the body...

Perek 8, Class 4 (84) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, Class 4 (84) The cleansing brings the Neshama to a place altogether removed from this world.

Perek 8, Class 5 (85) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, Class 5 (85) 1) short mention (5 minutes) of 12-13 (and) 15 Tamuz. 2) near the end of Perek 8. Some things are not evil (severe Klipos) but they are Tuma’a and not Tahara (Klipas Noga). This is true of תאוות היתר, and דברים בטלים בהיתר, and now he adds חכמת חיצוניות. It...

Perek 8, Class 6 (86) Tanya (text based)

Perek 8, Class 6 (86) This last class on the Perek explores the permission to learn Chochmas Chitzoniyus, (secular learning), bringing the Rebbe’s letter, that lists five Permissions to do so. The Letter then speaks of the “sixth”, the basis for which the RambaM and RambaN and others (including the Rebbe himself), engaged in this...