12 Classes


5 Classes

Pesukei DiZimra (1) Boruch Sheamar through VaYevarech Dovid

Pesukei DiZimra has two themes: 1) the ten utterances of creation 2) The exodus. This section deals with the first of these two ideas.

0 Classes

Pesukei D'imra (2) VaYevarech Dovid through Yishtabach

Pesukei DiZimra has two themes: 1) the ten utterances of creation 2) The exodus. This section deals with the transition from the first to the second and the second of these two ideas.

13 Classes

Shmone Esrei

15 Classes

The Haggadah.

Haggada in depth. A series of intermediate to advanced level classes presenting in depth analysis of the Hagada. Each class deals with one paragraph.

3 Classes


8 Classes

Yamim Noraim.

Yamim Noraim. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the interim days.
