01 Mode’ Ani – 3 Classes given on three different occasions.
01 Mode’ Ani – 3 Classes given on three different occasions.There may be some repetition here, as these are (essentially) three versions of the same class- on Mode Ani; however, the ChaZaL say אין בית המדרש בלא חידוש there’s always something new and different.The first is a stand alone class from 5767 (2007).The second is...
02. Prefix to all Brachos
02. Prefix to all BrachosAll Brachos begin the same:ברוך אתה הוי’ה אלוקינו מלך העולםand some add אשר קדשנו במצוותיוThe time to explain it is at the beginning of the Siddur when this idea appears first.There are 1) short thoughts on this from various times; then there’s two comprehensive versions, 2) one from Machon Chana from...
03. Birchas Al Netilas Yadayim.
Birchas Al Netilas Yadayim.There are several versions of this class: 1) from Machon Chana; 2) From Yeshiva Achei Temimim
04. Asher Yatzar
04. Asher YatzarThis folder includes the Machon Chana classes on Asher Yatzar from 5774 (2013), as well as the one class given at Yeshiva 5780 (2019) that includes BOTH Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama.
05. Elokai Neshama
05. Elokai NeshamaThis folder includes the Machon Chana classes on Elokai Neshama from 5774 (2013), as well as the one class given at Yeshiva 5780 (2019) that includes BOTH Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama.
06. 100 Brachos
06. 100 BrachosThe Gemara speaks of Dovid establishing the idea of 100 Brachos.Many Siddurim actually open with the idea of 100 Brachos.We’re p[lacing it before the 15 Birchas HaShachar.
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