2 Classes

53. Pesukei DiZimra (introduction)

53. Pesukei DiZimra (introduction)There are three sections of Davening leading up to the Amida: 1) Hoda’a [acknowledging and accepting] (from HaReini Mikabel until Lamnatzeach Binginos); 2) Hilul [praising and revealing] (From Boruch Sheamar until Yishtabach); 3) Bracha [bringing down and personalizing] (from Yotzer Ohr until Ga’al Yisroel).This is the second of these three sections.It is...

01 Baruch She'amar (3 Classes) (Flatbush)

Boruch She’amar. Class One. Monday 28 Nissan, 5773, April 8, 2013.Class one on Boruch She’amar. The first half is ‘a Piska min HaShamayim’ and according to RaSaG is said only Shabbos. There’s great diversity of nussach (especially in the first half) but in the last few hundred years they seem to converge. A taste of...

11a Vayevurech Dovid Part one.

This is the turning point within the Pisukei diZimra, where we transfer from discussing what Hashem did for us in creation to discussing what He’s done for us as the Jewish nation.

11b Vayevurech Dovid Part two.

A translation of the text. A few points were emphasized; What is a Bracha? Why praise Hashem? What does Boruch mean? Ata? Hu? and Havaya?

13a Mi Chamocha (in Az Yashir).

Mi Chamocha is about Hashem’s influence on the world, that travels from ‘heaven to earth’ through various levels of angels. The challenge is not to see the Angels but Hashem that is made available through their being intermediates, but mustn’t be blocked out because of this. In Davening we say it twice (once in Psukei...