28. Introduction to Karbanos
Introduction to KarbanosThere are three classes in this folder.The first (is a shorter version of Introduction to Karbanos) was given in Yeshiva in 5782/ 2021.The second and third were given at Machon LiYahadus at the end of 5775 and the beginning of 5776 (2015).
29. Terumas and Hotza'as HaDeshen
Terumas and Hotza’as HaDeshen.This folder has two versions of classes on Hotza’as and Terumas Hadeshen.The shorter (easier) classes were given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim in 5781 (2021) (2 Classes) and they are at the top of the folder.The longer version on this paragraph from Machon LiYahadus in 5775 (5 Classes) and is at the bottom...
30. Yehi Ratzon (beofre the Korban Tamid) recited on days we say Tachanun
30. Yehi Ratzon (beofre the Korban Tamid) recited on days we say TachanuunThis folder consists of two versions on this prayer.A shorter (one class) version given at Yeshiva in 5781 (2021), this appears on the top of folder.A longer (Three class version) given at Machon LiYahadus in 5775 (2015), these appear underneath the shorter version.
31. Parshas HaTamid
31. Parshas HaTamidThis folder includes two series of classes on this paragraph.A shorter one (3 classes) given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim in 5781 (2021).And a more comprehensive one (ten classes) given at Machon LiYahadus in 5716 (2015-16).
32. Vishacaht Oso...
32. Vishacaht Oso…This folder is about the one Possuk after Korban HaTamid, before the beginning of Ketores.There’s one (shorter) class from Yeshiva (Achei Temimim) from 5781 (2021); and one from Machon LiYahadus from 5716 (2016), this class is deeper and more involved than the Yeshiva version.
33. Ata Hu...introduction to Ketores.
33. Ata Hu…introduction to Ketores.This folder has two sets of classes that introduce Ketores and enlighten the paragraph that begins “Ata Hu…”Four classes (an introduction and three text based talks) are from Machon LiYahadus and are on a higher level.Two classes are from Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781), that entail an introduction to Ketores ans well...
34. Ketores; Torah Shebiksav of Ketores; Vayomer…Kach Lecha Samim
34. Ketores; Torah Shebiksav of Ketores; Vayomer…Kach Lecha SamimThis folder consists of two series on this Biblical (compilation) Paragraph.A longer one (5 Classes) give at Machon LiYahadus in 5776 (2016) and a shorter one (3 Classes) given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim in 5781 (2021).
35. The Torah Sheba’al Peh of Ketores Tanu Rabbanan...
This folder holds the classes on the Torah SheBaalPeh on Kitores: Tanu Rabanan.Only ONE class from Machon LiYahdus, because the schoo; year (5776/ 2016) ran out; And five classes from Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781/ 2021).
36. Hashem Tzvaos… השם צבאות עמנו... השם צבאות אשרי אדם בוטח בך, השם הושיעה המלך יעננו ביום קראינו
36. Hashem Tzvaos…This folder has two series on Hashem Tzavaos.The first is from Machon LiYahadus (from 5776-7/ 2016), and entails three classes.The second (not as complicated) is from Yeshiva Achei Temimim (in 5781/ 2021) in two classes.
37. Abayey Havei...
37. Abayey Havei…This folder has two versions of classes on this prayer.A longer (more complex) version of seven classes given at Machon LiYahadus in 5777 (2017).And a shorter (simpler) version (3 classes) given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim (in 5782/ 2021).
38. Ana Bikoach
38. Ana Bikoach.This page includes all the classes given on אנא בכח.There are three sets of classes on אנא בכח in this section.1) The medium version was given years ago in Flatbush and appears second in this folder. Three Classes.2) The longest and most comprehensive were given at Machon LiYahadus (and they appear at the...
39. Ribon Haolomim [before Aizehu]
Ribon Haolomim.This Techina marks the end of Karbanos, and preceeds Aizehu Mikoman.This folder has two versions in it;1) The first has seven classes in it that were given on this paragraph at Machon LiYahadus in 5777 (2017).2) The second has three classes given at Achei Temimim in 5782/ 2021
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