
Birchos Krias Shma and Shma.

These three Classes are simple Pirush HaMilos for the three parshiyos of Shma (a must listen). A (short) thought on the first Bracha of Krias Shma (5774/2014). 1) Stars and planets 2) angels, 3) God Himself functioning. Monday 18 Teves 5773, December 31 2012. Shma Yisroel (inside). The first Parsha of Shema, simple “pirush hamilos”...

Chassidic Glossary: Yichuda Ila'a and Yichuda Tata'a in Krias Shma (and Sha'ar HaYichud VihaEmuna) (יחודא עילאה ויחודא תתאה בקריאת שמע, בשער היחוד והאמונה)

Chassidic Glossary: Yichuda Ila’a and Yichuda Tata’a in Krias Shma (and Sha’ar HaYichud VihaEmuna) (יחודא עילאה ויחודא תתאה בקריאת שמע, בשער היחוד והאמונה)Given in Tomchei Temimim Chovevei Torah (5782/ 2021).Why is ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד after שמע ישראל which is יחודא עילאה?The need for two Achdus in Sha’ar HaYichud VihaEmunah.A story with the...

Three Classes on Shma and one on Boruch Sheim from the Parsha Series.

06-04. Shma Yisroel. (5767). Class One. Class Two. Class Three. Boruch Sheim kivod Malchuso… (5769).

Supplement- Lima'an (5 minutes).

In many Sidurim, this sentence is in its own paragraph, why? A thought: it refers both to the Geula (first Parsha and the beginning of the second Parsha) and the Golus model (the majority of the second Parsha of Shma). It is therefore in a paragraph by itself.

Vayomer... Tzitzis... Monday 3 Shvat 5773, January 14, 2013.

Vayomer… Tzitzis (inside). The third Parsha of Krias Shma is about two things: 1) Mitzvos 2) Geula. In this class we pursue these ideas on the level of the greatest and most inspired Jews as well as for the ordinary Jew. Tzitzis means that after all the fringe, Action, at the end matters above else,...