TESHUVA CLASS FOUR – Ma’amar from The Alter Rebbe in Likutei Torah on Balak – is a classic ma’amar of teshuva. The second Teshuva is ila’a. It’s called עשה טוב to create (Yesod) a connection to the Ein Sof. This Teshuva heals the past. Class Length (31:19)
TESHUVA CLASS FIVE Text: Likutei Torah Ma Tovu Chapter 3; Tanya Chapter 31 This class moves on to the the third type of teshuva – reconnecting with God. The text studied in this shiur is Chapter 31 in the Tanya. The main message of Chapter 31 is to choose joy. The class also includes a brief review which sets the context for teshuva type 3. Teshuva type 1 – teshuva tata – is healing the “p’gam” (blemish) or removing the blemish or the bad habit. Teshuva type 2 – teshuva ila’a – is about healing the relationship with Hashem (stopping the merida (rebellion) Teshuva type 3 – becoming one with Atzmus (essence of God). This teshuva is not about self. It is about becoming one with Hashem and choosing joy Class Length (33:15)
TESHUVA CLASS SIX Text: Tzemach Tzedek “Derech Mitzvosecha” . This class covers the fact that Teshuva can only be done in this (physical) world and several aspects of soul cleansing after the physical lifespan ends. As there is no teshuva in Gan Eden, better to do teshuva in this world than to wait for the spiritual cleanup. Two reasons: A. This world is Chessed (like water is a solvent, the evil is diluted). B. The world is a chaotic place and we are striving to give it order. So long as this world is not organized in the midst of the chaos you have Infinity. It is a fault in us that we are not organized but in the middle of this chaos teshuva can happen – miracles happen. Class Length (41:12)