Achdus Hashem (5781)
Achdus Hashem (5781)Given in the Zechus of Reb Yoel Kahan Z”L.1) a bit on Reb Yoel Z”L2) Three ideas: A. Emuna B. 1st Mitzvah: Knowing G-d; C. 2nd Mitzvah: Knowing His Oneness.3) Yechuda Ila’a against the backdrop of Yichuda Tata’a.4) A story of Reb Yisroel of Ruzin and its’ meaning.5) What the Shaar HaYichud ViHaemuna...
Introduction to 'Ayin Bais'; from a Ma'amar class (5783/ 2023)
Introduction to ‘Ayin Bais’; from a Ma’amar class (5783/ 2023)This is an introductory class to the Ma’amar Vayikach Korach 5714, it warranted this introduction.Before ‘Ayin Bais’ the Ohr Hagvul (Kav, Mimalei) is through Tzimtzum; IN the Ayin Bais, Ohr Hagvul Kav etc. has it’s own source that is straight from Atzmus.Tha Kavana carries Elokus to...
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