Toldos 26:34; 28:09 – Eisav’s 3 wives and their names.
Posted: November 22, 2022
Toldos 26:34; 28:09 – Eisav’s 3 wives and their names. Eisav marries at 40 to emulate his father, but the emulation is only skin deep. This class explores Eisav’s character; and how it plays it in his marriages (and children). Each wife has a second name (in Parshas Vayishlach), what does it all say and mean? יהודית בת בארי is also אהחיבמה בת ענה בת צבעון בשמת בת אילון is also עדה בת אילון מחלת בת ישמעאל אחות נביות is also בשמת בת ישמעאל אחות נביות There’s much deception in all this as well as idolatry and immorality. The PDF included here has Midrashim and Mefarshim from our Parsha as well as from Parshas Vayishlach, from which this class was constructed.
Note (correction) from a listener: You confused אילון with תחת האלה (א צירה) תחת האלון (א פתח) Why did you not associate it with ,אילוני ממרא? Dovid Horowitz, Crown Heights Brooklyn NY.