07. Tomchei Temimim, Part Seven (5784/ 2023). Temimim (part one): Reb Avraham Dovid Pevsner, an Oved with incredible demand and stamina. Reb Chayim Yona (Lutzky), he was a later Tomim, but no less great. The Rebbe RaShaB said of him that he has Mochin DiGadlus and asks questions on the level of the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim. He was told to be a Nistar (to hide himself). The Rebbe RaShaB comes to him an dsays Chassidus (after Beis Nissan) and he repeats it and th eRebbe RaYaTz’s reaction. Reb Chonya Morosow, a Giant of mind and Avoda (and Teshuva). He was near and dear to the Rabeiim./