Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class Two) The Sforna. The question of why the laws of all the Korbanos are repaeted twice (adding just few details the second time) once in Vayikra and then again in Tzav, is explained by the appearance (five times (!!)) in Tzav of the phrase: זאת תורת. The Sforna explains the principle: here we’re not learning the laws of the Korbanos but their meaning and meditation. 1) זאת תורת העולה the all consumed Korban is divided into three: what is raised up; what is deposited near the Mizbeach (תרומת הדשן); and what is left over and carried out (הוצאת הדשן) it has so much to do with Kavana. 2) זאת תורת המנחה inspires the unique meditation of the (only) Korban that is brought wholly into פני המזבח (the front of the Mizbeach) and all its work is done there, indicating maximum closeness to Hashem. If its a Kohein’s Mincha, no one (but Hashem) eats it. 3) זאת תורת החטאת teaches the meditation that if the sin is ‘big enough’ the blood need be brought into the actual Beis HaMikdash, but in those cases it is not eaten. צ”ע שהרי פרטים אלו אינם מופיעים בפרשת צו כלל כ”א בויקרא. 4) זאת תורת האשם inspires A. to complete whatever was missed before (פרטי האימורים) B. that there’s no such thing as a small sin, all are equal, וכמאמר: מרידה במלך מלכי המלכים הקב”ה תניא פכ”ד. 5) זאת תורת זבח השלמים the peace offering with Chometz, it has risk, as we can fall into the Chometz of the Yetzer HaRa, still it is included and uplifted in thanksgiving.