Shlach:Tzitzis, a class given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5780/ 2020) on Parshas Tzitzis Parshas Tzitzis entails the Mitzva of Tzitzis, which includes 1) a בגד and 2) פתילי לבן white threads and 3) תכלת blue threads These three represent 1) סוכ”ע and 2) ממכ”ע and 3) ממלא שממלא. The last is so precise that it doesn’t apply in Galus, and this is real reason we don’t use תכלת not because we don’t know what it is. The Rebbe RaShaB corresponded about this with the Radziner Rebbe. The Kavana of Tzitzis (is an actual part of the מצוה) in all 613 Mitzvos (2 levels: מצוה הוי’ה and מצותי) יציאת מצרים
Tzitzis, a class given at Yeshiva Achei Tmimim (5780/ 2020) on Parshas Tzitzis