Vaera 07:05 – Va’aira is about “Knowing Hashem” (Yeshiva 5780)
Posted: January 21, 2020
Va’aira, is about “Knowing Hashem” (Yeshiva 5780). 1) The Makkos aren’t (by any means) just to get us out of Egypt, there are much easier ways to accomplish that. They are to educate Yidden, the Mitzriim and the entire world about Havaya (G-d above nature). The miracles in the Parsha are there for all of history, as far as Hashem is concerned there’s no reason to repeat them (ever) again. Anyone who wants to know Him, can from the Chumash. 2) The Zohar learns the Mitzvah of Knowing Hashem from our Parsha (although we don’t learn the kernel of the Mitzvah from before Mattan Torah, but all the details are here.)