Vayeitzei 29:35 – Yehuda After the three challenges (geniuses, extreme people) comes a ‘regular’ ‘normal’ son- Yehuda; but he turns out to be so much more special than his brothers, that he’s the ultimate special: he’s normal in the highest and most complete way. He doesn’t lose his head (in preventing the brother’s from killing Yosef) and he readily admits his wrongs (the story of Tamar) which is what sparks Reuvain to do teshuva. He has all of Hashem’s name in his (הוי’ה with an additional ד), and he is the 4th, meaning he has his feet on the ground (action); and according to Chassidus he’s the deepest Bittul which is only real vehicle for the Ein Sof. He’s the (undisputed) King and he teaches Torah.