Vayikra 01:01 Vayikra “And He called to Moshe…” (5783/ 2023).
Posted: March 26, 2023
Vayikra 01:01 Vayikra “And He called to Moshe…” (5783/ 2023) Achei Temimim. RaShI says that each time He (God) spoke to Moshe He called him (Moshe) first and then spoke; but He didn’t do the same at the end of each Parsha (talk/ class). The meaning of calling the student before one teaches. 1) On a simple level it bonds the teacher and the students (יסוד). 2) On a mystical level, it is accessing the Jewish Soul (above the mind) to help guarantee that our relationship to Torah begins with the Godliness and descends to the Intellectual.