Class One. The middle of the Maamar Vahaya bayom hahu (the beginning and the end will be in the next shiur IYH) deals with the pisgam (from Siddur) Ze HaYom Techillas ma’asecha zikaron LiYom Rishon. Is our Rosh Hashana higher or lower than the one Hashem inspired in the beginning of time ‘Ki Chafetz Chesed Hu’. Answer: On the ‘Teva HaTov LeHaitiv’ level the first one was was higher and now is only ‘Zikaron LiYom Rishon’, but on the level of ‘LiMaasei yadecha Tichsof’ what we do now is higher and it is a Zikaron to the first Rosh Hashana when Adam HaRishon crowned Hashem as King.
Class Two. Why is the Shofar of Liasid described as the ‘great Shofar’ that no one is identified as the blower, because this returns the Yid who has gone out (even) of Hishtalshelus of Asiya! That he too should be brought back from Ashur and Mitzrayim.