Class One. This class explains the levels of 1) Eved Knaani, 2) Eved Ivri, 3) Ama HaIvria. We begin by explaining ‘Teva’- nature and explaining that nature is neither good nor bad it is ‘natural’. Dealing with the evil of one’s nature and not giving in to it is the realm of the Eved Kna’ani. Using the best of one’s nature for Avodas Hashem is the realm of the Eved Ivri. Transcending one’s nature is the realm of the ama HaIvria. The ‘Bas’ is a Merkava. Moshe’s role is to raise the rest of us up to the level of Merkava which we are not on (since Mattan Torah passed) on our own.
Class Two. In this class we discuss the three levels of Eved Knaani, Ivri and Ama in all three areas of Tefilla, Torah and Tzedaka. Eved Knaanai: Tefilla: Mode Ani, Torah: Shelo Lishma (five levels), Mitzvos: (for himself). Eved Ivri: Tefilla: P’sukei DiZimra, Torah: To connect to Hashem, Mitzvos: To bring life to himself. Ama: Tefilla: Birchos Krias Shma and Shma, Torah: Lishma, to connect Torah with Hashem, where the Yid is the Chasan and the Torah is the Kallah, Mitzvos: to connect Ein Sof with the Sfiros. Bas: Tefilla: Shmone Esrei, nothing else is explained.