Class One. (A thought on 28 Nissan 5773). This Maamar which discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf back then vs. the final Geula, explains (first) that to get the Torah down into this world there needed to be preparation from both ends. From the world’s end this was Yetzias (going out of and breaking all) Mitzrayim, limitations, b’richniyus as well. From Hashem’s end it was Krias Yam Suf, the breaking of the concealment of the sea. This is explained in various aspects.
Class Two. This class begins with a long introduction explaining the ideas of speech and thought, that are both Tzimtzums, one corresponds to Malchus, the other to Bina, and the idea that Krias Yam Suf and BeKias HaNahar defy (break) this limit. In this half of the Ma’amar we talk about what will happen to Torah when Moshiach comes. We will all be equal learning on the (pnimiyus) level of reiya, and the differences will be in the Nigla!