Kaddish 06 Wednesday 1 Shvat 5778/ January 17 2018.
Posted: April 21, 2018
קדיש Class Six. More on Kaddish: The תולעת יעקב. Why it is in Aramaic means what angels can’t know because it is higher than their reach. Inside the box vs. outside the box. Rashi: we say Kaddish in Aramaic in anticipation of what we’ll do when Moshiach comes. In this class we explained two words: שמי’ה רבה. Four ideas: A) The perfect name of Hashem should be exalted. B) The blemish of אין השם שלום ואין הכסא שלום עד שימחה זרעו של עמלק only then will His name be whole. We are dealing with His name הוי’ה. C)Now לא כפי שאני נכתב (הוי’ה) אני נקרא (אדנ”י) עד לעתיד לבוא. This means the saying of His name in Aramaic is the fusing of Aramaic and holiness as explained above. D) (The זהר says) It refers to the divine name אלוקים, which is divided in two: אל”ה י”ם. Two understandings of מ”י- as higher or lower than אל”ה.