01. Wednesday 11 Kislev 5778, November 29 2017, Class One.
Posted: February 10, 2018
יהי רצון… שיבנה בית המקדשClass One. The three reasons this is said here: 1) As a prelude to Kadish (like the usual recitation of רבי חנניא בן עקשיא) but the Alter Rebbe says that here it is OK to bring a לימוד with no פסוק which needs to be understood. 2) As a culmination of the saying of קרבנות, we Daven to be able to bring them actually. 3) We Daven for the Torah, A. that allows us to supplement the Korbanos, B. we hope to have a higher Torah C. and pray Moshiach comes before it is forgotten.