איזהו מקומןClass Five. Inside, the first Mishna פר ושעיר של יום הכיפורים. This class (and IYH those that will follow) is based on the design established in class 4, dividing קרבנות into three areas: 1) What one sacrifices to Hashem unconditionally. 2) What we get back as שפע (רוחני) ע”י הדם through the blood. 3) The physical benefit and spiritual parallel of this benefit associated with eating the meat of the קרבן. These קרבנות פנים of Yom Kippur, don’t have the third idea altogether: the meat was simply burned outside the city and camp. The blood has a יחוד when placed on the מזבח. In this case it is the מזבח הפנימי that corresponds to פנימיות הלב, and more specifically there are three aspects of בין הבדים, פרוכת ומזבח הפנימי. All this and more was explained in this class.