02. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus, Wednesday 18 Teves 5776/ December 30 2015, Class Two.
Posted: February 10, 2018
פרשת התמיד .02 Class Two. This class was a lecture on the idea of קרבנות based on the רמב”ם and the רמב”ן. We talked about how the רמב”ם can be explained in spite of the fact that קרבנות predates idol worship. The point of the class was to divide this paragraph into two parts: A) Something we share with pre-Sinai as the Possuk says: עולת תמיד העשוי’ בהר סיני. B) What comes after that Possuk, which is an idea in קרבנות that is altogether new and has nothing to do with pre-Sinai. We read nothing inside we only lectured.