Kaddish 26 Wednesday 29 Marcheshvan 5779/ November 7 2018.
Posted: January 5, 2019
קדיש Class Twenty Six. In this class we finally got to the wording of על ישראל itself. Introduction: three levels: 1) The Luchos were כולו פנים and 2) The Sefer Torah is פנים ואחור and 3) Torah Sheba’al Peh is על ישראל .כולו אחור the G-dly light behind the wisdom of the Torah (תפארת) ועל רבנן the division into חסד and גבורה once the Torah is on the intellectual level (חסד וגבורה). ועל תלמידיהון the Halacha is fixed and hardened (נצח והוד) where strength is so important. ועל כל תלמידי תלמידיהון as the Halacha is actually physically applied (המשכה מיסוד למלכות). The next one we’ll do next week.