Kaddish 07 Wednesday 8 Shvat 5778/ January 24 2018.
Posted: April 21, 2018
קדיש Class Seven. The two words יתגדל ויתקדש are explained in this class. The two pronunciations of יתגדל ויתקדש whether with a פתח (as we do it) or a צירה (as אשכנזים do it; and OUR RABBEIIM ALSO SAID IT THIS WAY!). With פתח it means we are praying that His name should become great. With a צירה it means that we should be the ones making Him great and holy. גדולה and קדושה are in a way opposites: גדולה brings down; and קדושה means removed. The great name of Hashem is made great (brought down) and shown to be uplifted (holy). Why don’t we say יתגדל ויתקדש ויודע as it is in the Possuk which is the source of this prayer.