
Vayedaber... Bamidbar Sinai 5714.

Class One. Counting the Yidden, Count and higher than count, or: bringing ‘higher than count’ into count. The number 600,000 is constant (A. In Atzilus, B. when Yidden’s Avodah is limited), is enhanced by the increasing and fluctuating higher numbers. Class Two. Questions and Answers. It all amounts to explaining two aspects: 1) counting, 2)...

איש על דגלו התשט"ו.

Class One. Flags and what they mean and when are they necessary- when you bring together different aspects. Class Two. The משל of words is used to explain reduction and צמצום. The idea is introduced that שבירה can happen simply from distance from אלקות. The שבטים are in the lower worlds and with the help...

2 Classes

29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735

29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735This Ma’amar given in two classes, deals with two ideas:1) The typical discussion of Machar Chodesh; that in order to have renewal and birth the old is altogether erased and then there’s renewal (מולד); this is Bittul of the Body animal soul and one’s portion of the world, which...

שאו את ראש ה'תש"מ.

The idea that Yidden have a fixed number: 600,000 בסוד שרש doesn’t make the additional Yidden mere actualization of the כלל of נשמות because there is another side to this coin: 1) The Bracha of Moshe adds more 2) A Yid like רשב”י who is on the level of עושין רצונו של מקום שמלאכתן נעשית...

ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה'תשמ"ב

במדבר Class One. There are two levels: 1) סוד שרש where everything stays constant לא ישבותו. This is the basis for the sustained order in the world, and it is parallel to the sun, that is a constant but is sustained by יחוד חיצוני. 2) סוד תוספת which is all about חידוש. In order for...

וידבר וגו' שאו את ראש וגו' ה'תשמ"א.

This מאמר is about renewal. The counting of the Jewish people was a newness that requires: 1) שאו את ראש which means an opening of ביטול. 2) Then the actual עבודה consists of two steps: A. במדבר סיני which is תפילה climbing from the lowest to the highest level. B. באהל מועד which is תורה...

והי' מספר בני ישראל תשמ"ג.

The four levels אש רוח מים עפר represent all of creation, and are found micro-cosmically in each person as we must elevate all of the world. The רבי explains how these four ideas are three (or four) types of Teshuva which involves leaving this world. There is however another Teshuva, where זדונות נעשו לו כזשכיות,...

VaYedaber... Bamidbar Sinai 5744.

Introduction, the Torah speaks in the language of man, but behind are deep lessons for all times. The lesson of counting the Yidden. 1) Through Moshe with the power of Hashem, 2) Midbar Sinai- Aliya, 3) Ohel Moed- Hamshacha, 4) Connect a Yid’s Rosh (head) to his Gulgoles- the NaraN to the Chaya Yechida and...

BaMidbar Sinai 5747.

3 levels of Rachamim as preparation for Mattan Torah.