
Tzav Es Bnei Yisroel 5711.

Korbonos, before the original sin, brought their own light. After the sin they are correcting wrong. The highest level of Korbanos will be when Moshiach comes. Then also it won’t be about correcting wrongs but about revealing the highest lights.

06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma'amar).

06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma’amar).1) Two Midrashim: A. Make me a small feast for me to enjoy; B. After feasting with everyone he says to His friend ‘Let us revel together’ [alone].2) These two Midrashim represent two ideas: A. the Avoda of the Nefesh HaElokis alone; B. the Avoda with the N....

3 Classes

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)The center (ביאור) of this Ma’amar continues the theme of the two that came before it. It continues the discussion on the advantage of באר מים חיים (a well dug by people) over מעין גנים (a fountain straight from heaven) because our Avoda gets us...

38. Ach BiGoral 5737

38. Ach BiGoral 5737.A short Ma’amar that has many longer versions of itself in other places (including the edited one from 5735).it starts with a short little Maamar (מאמרים הקצרים) of the Alter Rebbe about hidden evil (in good people) and good (in Reshaim) and Reb Yochanan Ben Zakai’s famous words: I don’t know where...

30. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) a Rosh Chodesh Ma'amar.

UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) Class One.Introduction: What is Mussaf? above Histalshelus.The mention of יציאת מצרים even after Moshiach some is due to some unique property of the initial Geula: the struggle!This will be special even then. Why Yidden ran away and won’t run when Moshiach comes. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738, Class Two.This class...

42. Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738

Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738Point: Goral dividing Eretz Yisroel by Moshe Rabbeinu and when Moshiach comes. Notes:13:41 -17:21  Maamar summary. Goes with Parshas Pinchas17:46  Start learning inside38:45  Shevet Levy chelek after attaining higher level.41:50  Gorul biyur atzmus or not?50:30  What definition gorul mamash? Lowest and highest possible avoda. When you bring the low and high together...

קדש ישראל להוי' תשמ"א.

קדש ישראל להוי’ה is Yidden in the good times, when they are on the level of קדש, the fourth level חכמה, השתלשלות. כל אוכליו יאשמו is Yidden in Galus with all kinds of challenge that reveals the fifth level: אשם שהוא וחומשו חמשה the financial aspect of the אשם (the fine) is a quarter on...

Tzav es Bnei Yisroel 5744.

Korbanos do and don’t apply in the times of Galus, why? They do in tefilla, but they don’t in action, Why? Korbanos must show their Godly effect immediately or they cannot be offered! This is the meaning of ‘Nachas ruach SheAmarti vina’aseh R’tzoni’, that His Will was revealed immediately. We explore how this idea differs...

Kodesh Yisroel 5745.

This Maamar develops (some of the ideas in) the Alter Rebbe’s maamar in Likutei Torah on this Parsha. Kodesh Yisroel LaHavaya, means that Neshamos before they descend are on the level of Havaya and even higher, as they are kodesh in relationship with Havaya. Raishis Tevuasu (Tevuaso) means 1) that Neshamos are higher than the...