09. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadashim 5734
09. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadashim 5734After Moshiach comes there will be a כי כאשר השמים החדשים והארץ החדשה אשר אני עושה ‘new’ Heaven and Earth.It is new, but still the same name: Shamayim and Aretz.The Ma’amar explains the similarity between the Shamayim and Aretz of now and of then.Also there will be new Neshamos, but...
07. Aileh Toldos Noach 5737
The PDF below includes the page of Zohar on which this Ma’amar is based.
07. Mayim Rabim 5738 (Muga)
Mayim Rabim 5738.This single class ma’amar introduces revolutionary ideas about teshuva. The Alter Rebbe says that the “real reason” for the Neshama’s decent into this world is for Teshuva.In addition to understanding this basically (doing Teshuva after an error) there is the deeper idea: the very departure and return of the Neshama is a journey...
אלה תולדות נח ה'תשמ"ב
Various interpretations for the double allusion to Noach. 1) A soul in two worlds, 2) Two levels of reward, 3) The dual Avoda of Noach: two תיבות and two בא אל התיבה. He’s called Noach twice before he does anything.
זאת אות הברית התשמ"ג
There was no rainbow before the מבול as the air was too dense for clouds that would allow light through. The מבול refined the world so the clouds would allow light through in the form of a rainbow. The מאמר explains clouds first and then the rainbow: Clouds come from the earth and reflect the...
Tzohar taasae' Lateiva 5747.
The Tzohar (Window or precious stone) in Noach’s Taiva (ark) was far more than for light. IT opened a spiritual light 1) into the darkness and judgement that was the flood; 2) In our Avoda this is expanding the Tzara (narrowness) of Torah and Tefilla that is constrained in this world to Tzohar- becoming an...
Aile Toldos Noach 5751.
Toldos Noach. Noach can be compared to the two levels of Shabbos and the higher unifying point.
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