
Vayeshev Yaakov 5712.

Class One. Peace exists on two levels: 1) You fight and win resoundingly, 2) there is no fight in the first place, the enemy is automatically vanquished. In Vayeshev, Yaakov is aspiring to the higher peace but gets instead the lower one: In golus Mitzrayim he has tranquility. Class Two. The Chanuka miracles are like...

44 Classes

Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya'akov 5712 (In Depth)

Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712 (In Depth)Yom Tov of Mesiras Nefesh.

2 Classes

09. Pada BiShalom 5735 (a 19 Kislev- Vayeshev Ma'amar).

09. Pada BiShalom 5735 (a 19 Kislev- Vayeshav Ma’amar).This Ma’amar (taught in 2 classes) is about Shalom (peace) which is important in our Avodas Hashem. He explains that it is the end of the ‘war’ that preceded it. He enlightens this with the Parshas HaShavua, Vayeshev. The bundling of bundles is the reuniting after the...

10. UvaGefen Shlosha Sarigim 5735

10. UvaGefen Shlosha Sarigim 5735This little Ma’amar explains a(nother) connection between the Parsha (Vayeshev) and 19 Kislev.The notion of Shalom associated with the Alter Rebbe’s release (פדה בשלום נפשי… יצאתי בשלום מהשם שלום ואסיים בשלום) is in concert with the dream of the Sar HaMashkim (butler) recorded in the Parsha.Wine is normally Bina, which is...

וישב יעקב ה'תשמ"א.

There are two lands in the land where Yaakov lives, higher and lower. These two are represented by two levels of Torah. This Ma’amar explores the great advantage of the lower level of Torah in and of itself. Through the laws there is Birurim. This is why it must also invlove מרמה.

VaYeshev Yaakov 5746. (5772/2011).

Vayeshev: above work and yerida tzorach aliya is real and constant peace that is after descending into Eretz Migurei Aviv and (lower stilll) Eretz Kinaan. Later he decends further into Mitzrayim and achieves an even higher VaYechi! How this ties into Chanuka, Golus etc.