
41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma'amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.

41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma’amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.This Ma’amar revolves around a Midrash that joins together two Pesukim.Yidden tell Hashem כי עמך מקור חיים באורך נראה אור we insist that He shine light first and we’ll respond; and Hashem responds קומי אורי כי...

44. Hashem He'emarta... He'emircha... 5734

44. Hashem He’emarta… He’emircha… 5734The Alter Rebbe explains האמרת and האמירך in one way: we speak Torah and He speaks (in a renewed way) the utterances creation); and the Tzemach Tzedek (and then the Rebbe MaharaSh) speaks it in three ways:1) [what the AR explained] He speaks and creates as we speak words of Torah....

3 Classes

44. Vihaya Ki Savo 5737

Vihaya Ki Savo 5737A Ma’amar about Bikurim and how it so basic and encompassing a Mitzvah as to be the context for the inspiration for 1) Coming into Eretz Yisroel 2) Dealing with the entire world, and using the strength given from On High3) The effort of Birurim and it’s reward.The point is Bikurim involves...

46. Vihaya Ki Savo 5738

Maamar Vihaya Ki Savo 5738Self-Transformation Through Torah and Mitzvos(originally the Rebbe taught this ma’amar on Chai Elul on a Wednesday)0:00 – 7:20 Intro thoughts on the founding of Tomchei T’mimim on 17 ElulThis maamar on Parshas Ki Savo – the inner meaning of the following 4 ideas and their order is analyzed.1. Eretz Yisrael is...

היום הזה ה'תשמ"א.

This מאמר discuses the Bracha and thanksgiving associated with divine blessing especially in Eretz Yisroel. However, the darker the period prior to the entry into Eretz Yisroel the more uplifted id the blessing of Eretz Yisroel.

והי' כי תבא תשמ"ג

Of all Korbanos, Bikurim is represented by Tefilla the best, because it has the two aspects, of a sacrifice, and of a return. It is connected to the Land of Eretz Yisroel that also has the two ideas 1) running to Hashem, 2) settling and living there.

Vihaya Ki Savo 5744.

Class One. Bikurim, Teruma and the remaining grain correspond to 1) Yidden, 2) Torah and the world. This Ma’amar assumes the source of Yidden that is higher than Torah and Mitzvos. But to reveal this we need Tefilla, thus in this Ma’amar Bikurim is Tefilla, and as it is done each day three times! Class...

Ki Tavo 5745.

Class One. This first class on the Ma’amar of Ki Savo we learned the ‘biur’ Everything in threes 1) Neshama 2) Guf 3) what binds them; 1) Mimalei 2) Sovev, 3) higher than both; 1) Malchiyos, 2) Zichronos, 3) Shofros; 1) Sur Mera, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom; Class Two. The second Shiur on...

Es HaVaya HeEmarta Hayom... 5746.

This Ma’amar was recited Erev Rosh Hashana. He’emarta and He’emircha. Three translations in the same word are three steps in the same effect: 1) create delight and pleasure from Yidden, 2) Create garment of (infinite) light, 3) Speak (which represents finite light). These three ideas are stages in Hashemem becoming and being revealed (down here)...

Hayom haze... He'emarta... He'emircha 5746.

The Maamar of Tavo also has to do with HaYom (holy Z’man, Rosh Hashana) not only Eretz Yisroel (Makom) as is obvious from the beginning of our Parsha. Special time has special effects as does special space. The joining of the two together is even more special.