2 Classes

38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma'amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.

38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.This Ma’amar is the first of two in a Hemshech (series) both on this Possuk.Tziyon is the level of the Neshama above the world and it’s redemption is through Torah.Shaveha are the levels of the Neshama in the body; and it’s redemption is through Tzedaka. This...

39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.

39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.In this second Ma’amar of this Hemshech the Rebbe questions the notion raised in the earlier Ma’amar that Tzadik (ציון במשפט תפדה) is higher than Teshuva (ושבי’ בצדקה).The question arises from another Ma’amar where the (same) Tzemach Tzedek refers to ושבי’ בצדקה as being the Teshuva...

43. Aileh HaDevarim 5736

43. Aileh HaDevarim 5736This short little Ma’amar begins with a discussion about the ideas of עבד נאמן and עבד פשוט as they are found un the Samach Vov that the Rebbe seems to be differing from what the Rebbe RaShaB says. He (our Rebbe) places the עבד נאמן above the עבד פשוט in every way.The...

2 Classes

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)This Ma’amar is based on the first Ma’amar in Likutei Torah on Devarim: how it could have been and how it is.How it is requires ציון במשפט תפדה ושבי’ה בצדקה

35. ציון במשפט תפדה ה'תשל"ט

ציון במשפט תפדה ה’תשל”ט This typical ציון במשפט Ma’amar separates ציון from ושבי’ה. The Rebbe explains ציון in two different ways that are both very advantageous: 1) That ציון is the very essence of the Neshama which is reached and revealed through תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים as רשב”י says of himself אנא סימנא בעלמא this...

ציון במשפט תפדה ה'תשמ"א.

Class One. This מאמר is מוגה. This מאמר begins typically enough but then turns on its head. (In this class we learned the beginning and the end of the מאמר. The middle we’ll do next time). The first explanation is: ציון are Yidden who stand out in Galus and deserve “משפט” redemption; while שבי’ה are...

ציון במשפט תפדה ה'תשמ"ב.

This Possuk has two ideas which this Ma’amar develops in to three based on the Possuk ואשים דברי בפיך ובצל ידי כסיך לנטוע שמים וליסוד ארץ ולאמור לציון עמי אתה. The idea is that there is Torah which is Essence that is above the two ideas of Mitzvos and Tefilla. Torah is ציון. Mitzvos and...

Tzion Bimishpat 5744.

Two galus models two redemption models. Torah is before Tzedaka, but ultimately the effect of Tzedaka is greater then through Torah. Lizchus Refua Shlaima Vichuli for Shmuel Menachem Mendel ben Shulamis.

Tziyon Bimishpat Tipade' 5746.

Two interpretations in Tziyon BiMishpat TiPade ViShuvehu BiTzdaka: 1) Both Tziyon and Shaveha are redeemed by Mishpat with the help from Tzedaka, 2) Tziyon is redeemed by Mishpat (Torah) and Shuveha through Tzedaka. The second pshat reaches higher than it was originally while the first pshat simply brings things back to how they were before...