Vehaya Eikev 5711.
Class One. The reason the Soul down in this world says to ‘Bnos Yerushalayim’ “I’m black and (but I’m) beautiful’ because down here there is a love of longing and fear rooted in the Mehus rather than (simply the nature of) the Etezem. How fear of G-d down here is more the Mihus than on...
39. Vihaya Eikev 5727 (Mugga).
39. Vihaya Eikev 5727 (Mugga, Milukat vol. 2).לעילוי נשמת הרב התמים מיכאל עקיבא גרשון בן ר’ רפאל מנחם נחום ע”הThis Ma’amar explores a teaching of the Rebbe’s Father on Tanya Chapter 37 exploring the difference between מעשינו and עבודתינו based on אגרת הקדש סימן י”בThe idea presented is that מעשינו means exceeding the nature of...
41. Viatta Yisroel 5737 (1) Mugga.
Viatta Yisroel 5737 (1) (Muga).This Ma’amar is being taught as part of a series that will include the second Viatta Yisroel, the Rebbe said in 5737, as well the one he said in 5727 (which is also Muga).
42. Viatta Yisroel 5737 (2).
Viatta Yisroel 5737 (2).This unedited Ma’amar follows the edited one from 2 days earlier (Thursday 20 Menachem and this is one is from Shabbos 22 Menachem, Parshas Eikev) and discusses the theme of Yirah and Bittul, and how all levels of Yirah (fear of G-d) are connected, due to the commonality of Bittul.He also explains...
44. Vihaya Aikev 5738.
Vihaya Aikev 5738.Summary: This ma’amar is about the importance of “holistic” performance of all mitzvot on every level (thought, speech and deed). “Machshava” (thought) is connected to “seichel” (intellect), “dibbur” (speech) is connected to emotion, “maaseh” (deed) is connected to “asiyah” (action). The role and practical function of each level is explained in the class....
ואכלת ושבעת ה'תשמ"א.
This מאמר explains the ברכות of Bentching: 1) Why even in the מדבר they thought of the future לחם מן הארץ. 2) Why even after the מן stopped we continue saying הזן את הכל. 3) The meaning of the last ברכה that even the ירידה into גלות is part of what we are thankful for...
ואכלת ושבעת תשמ"ג
This Ma’amar is on Bentching. Why are there three biblical blessings and the ChaZaL added a fourth? It is like the numbers 3 (lights) that is favored by the Sefer Yetzirah and the number 4 (light and vessel) favored by later Kabbalah. Hashem’s favoritism to His people for Bentching for a smaller amount than what...
Vihaya Eikev 5745.
This Ma’amar explains Eikev in several ways (the lowest generation the lowest world etc.) and Tishmeun, Ushmartem, VaAsisem, (Machshava, Dibur and Maase) which are all included in Shmia, Shma Yisroel. When we elevate the lowest level we reveal Atzmus.
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