
Kimei Tzeischa MeEretz Mitzrayim... 5722.

This Ma’amar is (on the surface) very vague and difficult. The idea (seems to be) is that the splitting of sea at Yetzias Mitzrayim and of Bekias HaNahar when Moshiach comes as a preparation for the revelations of the Torah (which is Chochma) that was to follow. The Ma’amar is trying to understand how Midos...

Vayomer Moshe El Yehushua... Tzai hilachem BaAmalaik 5722.(5773/2013). This is a Zachor Ma'amar.

Class One. Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar was discussed in this class. Amalaik can only get you after you leave Egypt (simple faith) and before you become rich (Pnimiyus HaMochin UMidos) when you enter the holy land.This is the meaning of Baderech (on the road) after you left Egypt (prior to the entry...

Tipol Aleihem 5731.

A Pesach Maamar.

17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 5736

17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 57361) This Shabbos is 13 Shvat, the 80th Yahrtzait of the Rebbetzin Rivka, so we told some stories about her.2) Introduction to the Ma’amar: A. two ideas of Bittul (Angelic Bittul) without struggle and (Human Bittul) through ‘Iskafia and Ishapecha’ (struggle); B. The Manna, Shabbos and Torah share the idea...

22. Zachor 5736 (Parshas Zachor Ma'amar; much of this Ma'amar is Vayavo Amalaik)

22. Zachor 5736 (Parshas Zachor Ma’amar; much of this Ma’amar is Vayavo Amalaik) Amalaik begins with making us cold.This can be connected to Torah (!!!) because Torah is intellectual and is by nature cold.It continues onto ספק (uncertainty, inferred and overt) that ends with question היש הוי’ בקרבינו אם אין (is G-d among us ??...

18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga)

18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga), Class One.This Ma’amar is Muga and appears in Sefer Hama’amarim Milukat vol 1 page 235 ff.It is a Manna מן Ma’amar explaining the spiritual significance (beyond just feeding Yidden in the wilderness) of the Man.Point: there is no way one can achieve the highest level of oneness with Hashem through...

19. Hayosheves Baganim 5738

19. Hayosheves Baganim 5738.The Ma’amar of the (Motzoei) Shabbos after 10 Shvat 5738.The three interpretations of Hayosheves BaGanim; our Ma’amar brings (only) one, about Yidden in Galus and all of heaven comes to see and hear (and respond) to what we learn and do. These efforts bring the Geula and even what happens before and...

ויבא עמלק ה'תשמ"ב.

The attack by Amalaik on the Jewish people has two basis: 1) They were weak in the hands, which means the Torah (which is not intellect but Godliness that is rooted higher than reason and extends lower) was not affecting their actions which reflects a deeper cause and source for weakness. 2) They went out...

Amar Reb Oishiya... Tzidkas Pirzono 5743.

The Possuk which is the source of Reb Oshiya’s limud is addressing the end, the reward that will be when Moshiach comes: The pizur, the scatter and it’s challenges, will bring the infinite blessing, the Prazos. Netzach is brought forward from a King in very trying times, But it get’s you the treasure. The Nimashal...

Vayehi Bishalach Paro 5747.

Paro was the reason we entered Golus in the first place. He therefore sends us off when the task has been completed.

4 Classes

Exile and Redemption (123) - Krias Yam Suf - Excerpts from the Ma'amar Vihanif 5711

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (123) – (01)(02)(03)(04) Excerpts from the Ma’amar Vihanif 5711

Exile and Redemption (130) - Sweetening bitter with bitter (Machar Chodesh 5711)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (130) Text: The Maamar Machar Chodesh 5711 Sweetening bitter with bitter The two opinions how the waters at Mara were sweetened whether through light or bitterness itself.The deeper idea is transforming bitterness to sweetness using bitterness itself.

4 Classes

Exile and Redemption (137) - Ma'amar Vayavo Amalaik 5743

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (137) – (01)(02)(03)(04) Maamar – Vayavo Amalaik 5743