לא תהי' משכלה ה'תשי"ב.
Class One. This classic Ma’amar discusses the question of עבודה צורך גבוה: do the Mitzvos we do make a difference on high or only to us. The answer must be both yes and no, based on the collection of מאמרי חז”ל on the subject. Accordingly our Ma’amar explores this on several levels: Level one: In...
ViaAile HaMishpatim 5714.
Class One. This class explains the levels of 1) Eved Knaani, 2) Eved Ivri, 3) Ama HaIvria. We begin by explaining ‘Teva’- nature and explaining that nature is neither good nor bad it is ‘natural’. Dealing with the evil of one’s nature and not giving in to it is the realm of the Eved Kna’ani....
13. ויבא משה בתוך הענן ה'תשי"ז.
Class One. This class talks about אמת. This is available in the seventh heaven, leader (Moshe) and Midda of the 13 Middos “ואמת”. He explains that this is about the revelation of Havaya which didn’t happen until the Torah was given, when the essence as represented by הוי’ה was revealed through bridging the heights of...
14. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719.
14. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719.Even vs. Livaina (natural vs. artificial stone (bricks)) in Avoda, like Keililm of Atzilus vs. BiY”A.Yidden in Egypt correcting the sin of the דור הפלגה (the generation of the great dispersion) what it means.
Machar Chodesh.. 5722.
This Ma’amar is really a “Im Kesef talve” Maamar, though it begins Machar Chodesh. This Ma’amar which deals with Gemilas Chasadim, places this Mitzva not only above Tzedaka, but above all the Mitzvos: Tzedaka corrects BY”A, Mitzvos enhance Atzilus, GeMaCh touches the Ein Sof and it has nothing to correct, change or improve. So, the...
20. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5734
20. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5734This class is about “Panim”, the face of God that was revealed at Har Sinai it now falls to Moshe and the Moshe (“Talmid Chacham”) in each generation to bring to our “face” (Pnimiyus) the “face” of Godliness.This idea is found in many Ma’amarim on Mishpatim, but this one deals with the...
21. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738 (Muga)
Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738PDF Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738, Class 1.Introduction, the connection between Sinai and this Parsha. The idea of Moshe giving the Pnimiyus himself. Therefore he must give us Pnimiyus and be Koneh us.The question of why the Parsha begins with עבד עברי ואמה העביר’ה.Torah. This Ma’amar doesn’t talk about the Pnimyus, it deals with the...
22. Vikibel Hayehudim 5738
Vikibel Hayehudim 5738 Class One. This class encompasses almost all of the Ma’amar.The idea is that Purim, (one of our lowest points in history,) could be higher and be the conclusion (קיום) of what started at Har Sinai, (the highest point in our history.) The ideas of 1) Personal work (rather than from above) and...
ואלה המשפטים ה'תשמ"א.
Class One. Introduction: The classic idea of this Possuk, that we do משפטים like חוקים rather than the other way around, because the משפטים are also from סיני. The Rebbe added in תשנ”ב that the very idea of משפטים, where ideas of morality צדק ויושר are logical, is a special gift from Hashem to bring...
Aile HaMishpatim 5744.
1) Mishpatim mean the Mitzvos that we have in common with Goyim, yet you must learn them from Torah and Bati Din yisroel, because… 2) Tasim means the hidden level of Torah and 3) Lifnaihem means the Pnimiyus of the Neshama. Which is not available in non-Torah sources. 4) It must be pointed out that...
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