
Vayakheil Moshe 5714

Class One. This class raises and answers all six questions in this Ma’amar and explains the first three Pesukim of Vayakheil in sequence. Vayakheil Moshe- to give them Koach from the mountain top to be able to do Birurim in this world. Aile Hadevurim… refers to the 39 types of work that one should do...

2 Classes

15. Vayakheil Moshe 5719.

15. Vayakheil Moshe 5719.This Ma’amar is mostly about the Kiyor (the water basin) and how we understand what it was according to Chassidus.Being made from copper (mirrors=) looking glasses that reveal by first hiding.This results in seeing less than directly; but the indirectness actually brings us even closer to the Light’s Source. This is why...

19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma'amar)

19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma’amar)We learned this Ma’amar backwards: first we learned all of the Biur (most of the Ma’amar) then we went back and asked each question (there are 11 of them) and found their answers throughout the Ma’amar.This Ma’amar holds that entire building of the Mishkan including collection Machatzis HaSheekl and...

ויקהל משה ה'תשמ"א.

Moshe gathers the Jews and speaks first of Shabbos and then of the Mishkan; which is the opposite of how Hashem inspired him, where Shabbos was last. The Rebbe explains that these Pesukim are describing Hakhail; where the first step is Shabbos: Bittul followed by bringing Hashem into each aspect of life: The Bais HaMikdash.