12. Am Zu Yatzarta (עם זו יצרתי) 5712
עם זו יצרתי The word זה can only really refer to Hashem Himself, because in everything He is the true substance of it. However, the word זה is also used for G-Dliness because of its דביקות, attachedness to Him. To be sure קליפה is also called (occasionally) זה לעומת זה, because it only exists to...
21. Vayikra 5736
21. Vayikra 5736Moshe’s humility is represented by the little Aleph of Vayikra makes him (lower than a middle and large Aleph, on the one hand and) higher than the great Aleph of Adam (in Divrei HaYamim).
ויקרא ה'תש"מ.
Each aspect of Avoda has the two requisite parts: A. He inspires (אתערותא דלעילא) B. We work. This is true in each of the following scenarios: 1) Before the original sin we had work, that He inspired. 2) After the giving of the Torah there was the building of the Mishkan. 3) After building the...
אדם כי יקריב מכם ה'תשמ"ב.
1) Korban means to bring close, and everything can be made closer. 2) It is brought close by Yidden who are Hashem’s shluchim. 3) It begins with the sacrifice of self, and more specifically the sacrifice of the higher and Godly 4) It continues to the more mundane and lowly, including the body and animal...
Adam Ki Yakriv 5745
This is a Maamar from 9 kislev. This Korbanos Maamar made its way into the winter because it was a newly printed Sefer of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Maamar (in general) makes two points about a Korban: 1) to sacrifice and transform, 2) Uplift and bring close. The Rebbe proposes that these two also exist...
Vayikra 5747. (5771).
Hashem is calling Moshe from His Essence to the essence of Moshe (and every Yid). This power is then brought down to affect our service (even) in elevating and refining the animal soul and body.
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