
44. ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל ה'תשכ"ה (Muga)

Two versions of this מאמר exist: 1) There are three levels of קדושה, two are available to us and the third is not. If we are to reach it, we must become בטל. They are: תפלה, תורה, מצות. 2) We can reach the third level of קדושה as well. They are תורה, מצות, and תשובה....

2 Classes

03. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734 (1st of Hemshach of 3).

03. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734 (1st of Hemshach of 3).This ma’amar was said days into the Yom Kippur war, which you can feel in the Ma’amar.What the Rebbe does here, is use Torah to argue (in affect) that [the Mitzvos of] Sukkos doesn’t start on the 15th of Tishrei, but right after Yom Kippur.And as such,...

04b. BaSukos Tashvu 5734 (2nd of Hemshech of 3), Class Two.

04b. BaSukos Tashvu 5734 (2nd of Hemshech of 3), Class Two.This class includes the beginning and the end if the Ma’amar.We are told to sit in the Sukka (בסוכות תשבו שבעת ימים) and we are promised that we will sit in the Sukka (כל האזרח בישראל ישבו בסוכות); and in the latter case we are...

2 Classes

05. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3).

05. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3).The Sukka (during Sukkos) has קדושת הגוף of a Korban because it is a physical Mitzvah celebrated physically (eating and drinking).The Lulav must also be the same because: A. the Joy of Sukkos is connected to the Daled Minim, B. it internalizes the indirect light of Sukka.

4 Classes

32. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech)

32. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech).This long Ma’amar explains the reason there is Sefiras HaOmer between the Ratzoi of Pesach and the Shov of Shavuos.In explaining this he revisits and adds much new insight to the series of Ma’amarim that explained the Possuk that connects Pesach to a leap קול דודי הנה זה...

Vinikdashti 5747.

Kidush Hashem in the everyday: Toraso UmNaso. There are two levels in this itself.