
בהר סיני ה'תש"מ (for the 2nd time).

Hemshech Part Three. Class One. Introduction: the word טבע in the נשמה includes the personality limitations based on the מטבע שטיבען and the ענין של יחידה that has a טבע of connection to Hashem. On this basis we learn the מאמר which speaks of three levels: 1) טבע the nature of the Neshama, 2) עבודה...

Ki Sav..... Vishavsa ... Shabbos 5746.

The Shabbos that comes before to give Koach already has the actual Shabbos on all it’s levels that will come later when actualized. This affects each moment of the work to be a Shabbosdike moment.

Lehavi Inyan Sefiras HaOmer 5747.

3 insights into Sefiras HaOmer. Each is relevant to all of us!