
10. V'Hishalachti b'tochachem (והתהלכתי בתוככם) - 5711

10. והתהלכתי בתוככם ה’תשי”א This מאמר is built around three ideas: Idea One: Movement from the bottom (climbing) upwards. This requires many prerequisites, knowing how to travel, being very strong, and having the right clothes. All this is paralleled in Avoda. Idea Two: Movement from the top down. That means one knows (and sees) automatically...

אם בחוקותי תלכו ה'תשט"ז.

Through חקיקה one becomes a מהלך. But it must involve אותיות וכלים ולא סגי אור בלבד because that is the כונה and it brings Godliness down. Examples: 1) חסד זוטא ורב חסד the difference. 2) אור ושפע. 3) רצון וכחות 4) אור מקיף ואור פנימי 5) אורות וכלים.

29. Im Bichokosai Tailaichu 5737

Im Bichokosai Tailaichu 5737Bichukosia means learning Torah on the level of Chakika (engraved), the learner and the learning are ONE.RaShI says it means to TOIL in Torah, which the Rebbe interprets to mean to bring the Chakika down to this (the lowest) world.ViEs Mitzvosai Tishmeru means learning Torah on the level of Halacha’n and the...

33. Vihishalachti 5738

Vihishalachti 5738, Class One.This class includes the first question of the מאמר: what is the meaning of והתהלכתי בתוככם after Hashem already promised ושכנתי בתוכם? Also What is the significance of walking doubly (והתהלכתי) from Hashem’s angle (as well as from our עבודה angle)?And the answer to this question.[The rest of the questions will be...

אם בחוקותי תלכו ה'תשמ"א.

This is primarily a ל”ג בעומר Ma’amar. בחוקותי means תורה that results in a physical change in the world as it says ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם the Torah that makes it rain is the level of רבי שמעון בר יוחאי. This is, of course, the story in זהר where through תורה ושבחים of רשב”י it rained....

אם בחוקותי תשמ"ג.

Chuka means edict but it also means engraved. This Parsha refers to all of Judaism as “Chuka” to underscore the level of service and connection associated with Chakika. There are three levels: 1) תורה שבעל פה which remains separate from the person even after he learns it. 2) תורה שבכתב which is initially separate but...

Im Bichukosai 5744.

The world was perfect at creation and becomes more perfect through work: Dira BiTachtonim.

Im Bichkosai 5745.

The Rebbe calls this Ma’amar of the Mitteler Rebbe a ‘wondrous Ma’amar’, It explains three levels in each and every Mitzvah: 1) Commandment (as the Soul is contained in the Nefesh HaBahamis; B’Chol Livuv’cha), 2) A promise that you’ll do it [as the Soul is by itself], 3) A story- the Mitzva (literally) does itself...

Im Bichukosai 5746.

Before Shavuos, Hashem begs us (Im Bichukosai- Lashon Tachanunim) to do Mitzvos wholly. This means in all three levels: Machshava- thought and spiritual connection [Bichukosai TaLaichu), Dibur- Learn and understand the detail of the halacha of Torah (ViEs Mitzvosai Tishmoru], Maase’- Action with Kabbalas Ol [VaAsisem Osom].