Yisro 20:02 – 14 Aseres HaDibros Yisro/ Vaeschanan (5784/ 2024 Achei), Class Two. 1) Emuna of Tzadik and Emuna of Ba’al Teshuva are so different but the divine command is identical. 2) Anochi Hashem Elokecha, three names three levels, Hashem is personal for the Jewish people.| 3) Going out of Mitzrayim won’t end until Moshiach comes. 4) From a house of bondage- we’re not even slaves to Kings. 5) Elokim Acheirim or Elohim Acheirim. 6) Al Panai: the Divine’s face, you look straight at Him and see nothing; 7) Time- Tzadikim, Space- Ba’alei Teshuva.