Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5736 (to year 5737) Class Two.
Posted: September 5, 2021
Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5736 (to year 5737) Class Two. This is the first of two classes on this Ma’amar. In this class we explore how Shofar is higher than Shabbos: Shabbos reaches until the source from which the speech of creation radiates (דברך נצב בשמים) and not higher, but Rosh Hashana we renew from Atzmus through פנימיות התענוג. The (era of the) first Beis HaMikdash was the level of Bina guaranteeing this renewal from Atzmus, but (the era of) the second Beis HaMikdash it depends on Avoda, so it is blown only where we are sure that Avoda was put in (connecting the idea that each year a higher light comes into the world (אגה”ק סי’מן י”ד) with work). The Pesukim however we ALWAYS say and this is Yisroel’s certainly to use will to create HIs will everywhere and at all times.
Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5736 (to year 5737) Class Two.