43a. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech), Class One.
Posted: September 20, 2023
43a. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech), Class One. This Ma’amar develops the idea of כ”ה and ז”ה and their fusion using various examples. 1) ניסן is ז”ה; and אלול is כ”ה and the 10 days of Teshuva is the conjoining. 2) ובקשתם משם is כה; and כי תדרשנו (Teshuva -?-) is ז”ה; and ומצאת is the fusion between the two [ועצע”ג]. 3) גורעין (the work with the נפש הבהמית which is כ”ה); and ומוסיפין (is נפש האלוקית which is ז”ה); and ודורשין (is the joining of the two). The next class will continue this IYH.
43a. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech), Class One.