
ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה ה’תשמ”א.

(פרשת פרה) Class One. There is a relationship between פרה אדומה and גלות, as it is done outside all three camps, like Galus. It starts at the exit to גן עדן where the one river diverges into four, and it ends with no water at all: Klipa. But there is the possibility for correction. פרה אדומה is Galus. Burning it is ביטול. Saving the ash is the advantage of תשובה above and beyond the עבודה of a צדיק. A horse versus a deer: (עבודת הצדיקים (סוס) מול עבודת הבעל תשובה (צבי ועופר האילים. Class Two. This idea of פרה אדומה was done (the first time) on the 2nd of Nissan; that same day נתנאל בן צוער נשיא לבני ישכר brought his קרבן לחנוכת המזבח. The Rebbe explains that ישכר as a whole has to do with transforming קליפה to קדושה; as they are יודעי בינה לעתים לדעת מה יעשה ישראל which includes negative דיעות. This is especially connected to נתנאל בן צוער as indicated in his name and more.

Class One
Class Two

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