Class One. יפה תואר ויפה מראה Outer Beauty- Mitzvos Asei. Inner beauty- Mitzvos Lo Taase. It is about balance.
Class Two. כשחסר ביפה תואר ויפה מראה משלימים החסר בתשובה וקבלת עול. When things are off balance, we compensate with higher than balance. Two anomalies about Purim that reveal this: 1) We are called יהודים- a name associated with מסירת נפש. 2) The name of Hashem is never mentioned in the Megilas Esther.
Class Three. Four levels: 1) Yom Tov, which is a finite Joy that will be overwhelmed by the greater revelation of Liasid Lavo. 2) Yom Kipur- there are two opinions about whether it will be Bottul or not, because A. It is higher than Hishtalshelus, but B. It doesn’t come down into vessels. 3) Liasid- higher than Hishtalshelus. But the description of tears בבכי יבואו indicates that it also has difficulty coming onto vessels. But that light will eventually come into vessels (as opposed to Yom Kippur). 4) Purim, even now, brings higher than Histalshelus into vessels. In addition, Purim gets us through a Chilul Hashem without death!!